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Spitalkrise in Zurich
Spital Wetzikon hat 121 Millionen Verlust eingefahren
The Zwischenbilanz as of September 2024 is ahead – and no longer looks good. Streitpunkt bleibt de Nachlassstundung. If you heat up the device, come to Kollaps.
Jetzt is de Wertberichtigung Tatsache, the Spitaldirektor Hansjörg Herren said this. The GZO AG in Wetzikon hat am Montag ihren Zwischenabschluss as of September 30, 2024 will be released. It is a financial disaster, financed and taken over by the Revisionsgesellschaft KPMG.
The Zwischenabschluss nach neun Monaten in de laufende Geschäftsjahr weist een Delight van 121 Millionen Francs aus. 110 Millions are minus the following information on the GZO-Immobilien. The Neubau, the Spital, was brought into the Bredouille, is not fertile and dies in the absehbare Zeit auch nicht wirdsich sich de GZO AG zwungen, die Wertberichtigung vorzunehmen.
The timing, with the meandering Spital signals Zwischenabschluss communiziert, is remarkable. The following is the case with the current GZO Creditor Group with a Medienmitteilung zu Wort reportedet: Two Drittel der Anleihegläubiger stehen hinter in the future, who has the Spital zu sanieren sei. Make sure you turn on a welding machine with one of the temporary post-treatment products so that the glass becomes slippery.
The deferred obligation of 170 million francs is after the return of the group an investor Gregor Greber, who in October as an investor an incentive right in the Verwaltungsrat of GZO AG, will be extended for three years with his strong share sense.
The idea of GZO AG has formed a diametric whole. GZO AG has carried out a restructuring plan with debts and a capital increase. Inexorable Voraussetzung is an Extension of Nachlassstundung. The Bezirksgericht Hinwil must separate his last year, by a provisional and definitive Nachlassstundung-wird.
The Spital team employee has more functional functions. Klammert man undereffect with backrests and costs for the Sachwalter, resulting in a bet of 3.9 million francs.
If the GZO Creditor Group achieves the immunization of the two obligations, this is an Achtungserfolg, but not more. If the credit institutions of the Kreditorengroep realize so little: GZO AG is busy with the debtor’s debts. A weld from the nachlassstundung würde zum sofortigen Kollaps of Spitals and zum Konkurs führen. Follow the 900 minutes and provide healthcare in the Zürcher Oberland.
The Gruppe has established the Verwaltungsrat der GZO AG to “perform legal tricks, a Tausende von Rentnern and Sparern a Werte zu bring, which in their rightful sisters”. So leave Gianluca Ferrari, CEO of Clearway Capital, in the Medienmitteilung.
It is true that reporting on a “legal trick” is the most vulnerable. The Schweizer Norms der Rechnungslegung require, that is a Weiterbetrieb des Spitalbetriebs die Tragbarkeit der Liegenschaften gegeben ist. If it is no longer about a new construction that appeared not so long ago in the fall, the reporting is also completely a Konsequenz.
The Gruppe warned the Spital, the man became all massive sorgfältig prüfen, the Spital and his Verwaltungsrat worsereifen. This can become a “personal lever”.
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